Courier Journal - A Populist Media

The news that I am following is the Courier Journal. These past couple days of going over the newspaper and looking at the stories, I have determined the the Courier Journal is mainly populist. The goal of this news organization seems to be giving the public what they want, not what they think they need.
Now, I am not saying there is anything wrong with this, it is simply an observation. For example, Kentucky has tons and tons of huge sports fans and the courier journal knows that. There is an entire separate section of the newspaper - that is almost as thick as the regular Courier - dedicated solely to Kentucky sports.
Along with this, I noticed the ads. The Courier Journal (and people selling ads to it) knows their audience, which is typically older people. The advertisements are not advertising new phones that are being released because they know that is not what their typical crowd is looking for. Instead, they are trying to sell things that appeal to that audience like glasses and medicine.
Now that I have taken a closer look into the Courier Journal, I have seen that it is a populist media that serves what the people want.
