Response to Morgan's Entry

One of my peers, Morgan David, wrote a very interesting article on her view of elitist and populist media. She states in this article that she views many news stations as forms of populist media and that they ignore the elements of journalism. Until now, I had never really put elitist and populist media into context with news stations, but now I see where she is coming from.
Populist media is giving the people what they want, and as Morgan says in her entry, news stations do just that. She mentioned that if a news station was given the chance to make money off of an entertaining, irrelevant story, they would cover it because it makes them money and gives the people entertainment. However, the job of a reporter is to give important and relevant stories (elitist media).
My overall takeaway from this article was that although journalists are supposed to follow the 10 elements of journalism as a guideline, sometimes they ignore those guidelines just to give the people what they think they want and not what they need. Although I had never thought of elitist and populist media in this way, I do agree with what Morgan wrote about.

Morgan's Post:
