Class Comment - How TV Changed Society

Before television, there were newspapers, magazines, and movie theaters. Today, all of these medias are still around, they just aren't as popular as they were before television.
A newspaper's job is to report, a movie theater's job is to entertain, and a magazine's purpose is to advertise and tell news stories. The TV does every single one of these things, but you can have them all together and at home. When the TV became popular, it made less people go out to the movies and instead stay home and watch it for free. It made less people buy newspapers and instead watch the news at home on TV for free. It made less people buy magazines and instead see commercials in between shows on TV.
All of those other forms of media's sales went down and that never changed, even today. TV (and now cable) is still the most popular form of mass media because it is easier, cheaper, and multi-functioning. Almost every home in the United States has at least one TV, and that number is only increasing.
