Response to Classmate - Emma

   My classmate, Emma Hayes, created a blog post on how the media organization she has been following (WHAS 11) reported on the Kroger shooting. It was interesting to read because I also wrote about how my media organization that I've been following covered the event. Most of the points that Emma made were strong. She described how they followed the elements of journalism while covering this event. Also, she described that they covered the event very thoroughly.
   Although these are all good points, there is one comment she made that I would have to disagree with. She stated that the first half of the thirty minute broadcast was spent on the Kroger Shooting, and she said this was the right amount of time. I would disagree and say that fifteen minutes is not enough time. Two lives were lost in an act of racism in our very community and those two lives are worth more than fifteen minutes. Rather than just the event itself, there is more to say about the Kroger shooting. There are victims to be honored and talked about and many other components of this particular story.
It is interesting to compare the ways the Courier Journal and WHAS 11 reported on this event. It seems that the Courier Journal went much deeper into the event and it's specifics. However, I did not see the WHAS broadcast myself, so I can only compare with what I read in my classmate's blog. You also must consider that these two news organizations are different types of media.
